Current Commentary

Current Commentary2018-07-02T10:43:19-07:00

Quarter end report – September 30, 2022

Not too long ago, we experienced many years of a “Goldilocks” economy: interest rates were low and were kept low while equity markets enjoyed seemingly endless expansion. Now, when you turn on a financial news channel or read a financial periodical, all is doom and gloom. Even in the best of times, financial journalists use fear to keep us engaged. [...]

By |October 8th, 2022|Financial Commentary - Public, Public|

Market Update & Quarter end Review March 31, 2022

“Losing 5% was the Best you could do in Stocks and Bonds this quarter” Headline on March 31, 2022 It was not a fun quarter in which to be responsible for people’s investments. While equities, especially high flying tech stocks, were surrendering back much of their 2021 gains, the traditional hedge, bonds, supplied no respite from the Bear. The [...]

By |April 5th, 2022|Financial Commentary - Public|

Trusted Financial’ s Year End Review 2021

For 2021,  U.S. stock markets were up about 19% to 27% depending upon which index is chosen for measure. The Standard & Poor’s Index notched seventy new all-time highs during 2021. Strength centered on well- known Big Technology names and integrated circuit (“chip”) companies, as well as oil and gas producers.  Our energy transportation holdings also did well. Globally, equities [...]

By |January 14th, 2022|Financial Commentary - Public|

Market Update August 20, 2021

Market Update August 20, 2021 Despite a wave of bad news, especially headline risk for leading Technology giants like Google, Facebook and Amazon, the broader indexes have managed to advance to record highs.  Let’s summarize a few of the worries: Reduced stimulus by the Fed: Recalling the bond market swoon in 2013 (AKA “Taper Tantrum”),  when Ben Bernanke’s Fed sought [...]

By |August 23rd, 2021|Financial Commentary - Public|


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