Current Commentary

Current Commentary2018-07-02T10:43:19-07:00

How our Clients are Doing

A client, on the phone, spontaneously thanked me yesterday for the fact that his account had recovered from one year ago. So I took a sampling of client accounts to see where they stand over the same time period covered in the CNBC story: not too bad. Most are off about 3%.

By |September 1st, 2009|Financial Commentary - Public|

Government Did the Right Thing? Is it Possible?

The New York Times today tallied up repayments to Uncle Sam for loans made late last year to prevent the banking system from collapsing, after Lehman Brothers was allowed to fall, weighed down with toxic loans and reckless leverage. While free marketeers like myself would in principal,prefer less, not more government involvement in the Market, this article reveals that thereisa place for government when an emergency strikes.

By |August 31st, 2009|Financial Commentary - Public|

The Luck Factor

August 24, 2009 - I met with clients this weekend, a relatively young couple who have been steadily saving for retirement.  They did not exhibit the sense of bewilderment and fear shown by a few clients earlier in the year (although from darned few, I'm proud to report). Rather, their vision is clear: continue to build wealth by saving regularly and confine spending to necessities. Live a comfortable retirement, with the hope of leaving a legacy to their children and grandchildren.  I was surprised when the wife did not advocate a strategy of retreat. There were no questions like "wouldn't it be smart to just buy CD's?"  Often wives are the more conservative half of a couple.  But this wife reminded me

By |August 24th, 2009|Financial Commentary - Public|

Digging Out Your Retirement

One of the worst market collapses in a century has left many, especially Baby Boomers reeling - their dreams for retirement shattered by twin devaluations of their homes and their retirement savings.  Those who suffered the most are those who were not given guidance by a financial professional, or who did not seek such advise.  The latter group is a growing component of investors. Armed with high speed internet connections and egged on by discount brokerages offering dirt cheap commissions to "frequent traders", a significant number of self managers have learned the hard way that investing is not a sport but serious business. 

As of mid-August 2009, our clients in general are off about 10% from the US stock market's all time high, recorded in October 2007. By comparison, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has shed over 30% of its value.  We've significantly beaten all major averages except for a bond-only strategy since becoming part of the independent investment advisor world in early 2001. You are welcome to hear the details by contacting our office at 949 249 2057.

By |August 15th, 2009|Financial Commentary - Public|


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