Current Commentary

Current Commentary2018-07-02T10:43:19-07:00

Year End Summary 2023

The major US and world stock indices had a volatile year in 2023, influenced by various factors such as the banking crisis, Federal Reserve Board policy, inflation, and geopolitical tensions. Here is a brief summary of their performance: The capitalization weighted S&P 500 gained 24.2%, driven primarily by a handful of technology companies that came to be known as the [...]

By |January 16th, 2024|Financial Commentary - Public|

Quarter End Report Sept 30, 2023

“…the Fed Board seems to be convinced that inflation must be stopped at all costs, so there is a good chance they will overshoot. Employment remains strong as does consumer spending. Resistance to inflationary price hikes appears to be absent. Therefore, I would not be surprised to see 10 Year T-bonds at 6%, even near 7% before the fever breaks.“ -Trusted Financial [...]

By |October 2nd, 2023|Financial Commentary - Public|

Mid-Quarter Update, Aug. 15, 2023

The Tech stock train leaves the station, or so it seems We missed much of the blistering tech stock rally seen in the first seven months of 2023. This is unsurprising as most clients want moderate growth without the terrifying volatility that technology and similar growth stocks generate. Coming off a tech stock bear market, I largely subscribed to the [...]

By |August 17th, 2023|Financial Commentary - Public|

Quarter End Report June 30, 2023

Quarter End Report June 30, 2023 As we entered the second quarter, investors were spooked by an ongoing rescue of smaller banks after suffering "runs."  Since one of these, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) held liquid assets for start-up technology companies as well as the financiers who invest in these ventures, the government decided that these were effectively, systemically important institutions. [...]

By |July 10th, 2023|Financial Commentary - Public|

Mid-Quarter Update – 5-06-2023

Mid Quarter Update As it has been a particularly worrisome time for financial markets, with a slow-moving banking crisis putting investors on edge, I felt a brief update to be appropriate. This Saturday will see two of the most respected investors in the world, whose combined ages total over 180 years, sit next to one another at CHI auditorium in [...]

By |May 9th, 2023|Financial Commentary - Public|

Quarter-end Report 3-31-23

Coco Nuts! Most clients of Trusted Financial will open their monthly statement and find a bit of relief as a stock market rally ignored a potential meltdown for banks. Still, there seemed to be plenty of investors trying to call a bottom to the bear market. Some Media pundits are now declaring that a new bull market is at hand. [...]

By |April 5th, 2023|Financial Commentary - Public|


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