Current Commentary

Current Commentary2018-07-02T10:43:19-07:00

The foundation for a recession

All recessions begin when consumers take on too much debt and businesses extend too much credit. Borrowing money to buy a car is a doubly negative experience: the consumer goes ā€œon marginā€ to own an asset guaranteed to lose value. Ā Long after the joyful smell of new leather has faded, the payments will continue, continue, continueā€¦ 07-04-2017, From Market Watch, [...]

By |July 4th, 2017|Financial Commentary - Public|

Reduction/sale of Apple Inc.

Reduction/sale of Apple Inc. June 13, 2017 We have reduced and, in a few cases, eliminated your holdings of Apple Inc. (AAPL). This decision was driven by a sense that the Company may be reaching a transition in which its constituency of stakeholders changes from growth investors to more traditional dividend investors, the type of people who want to own [...]

By |June 20th, 2017|Financial Commentary - Public, Uncategorized|

Mid-Quarter Review May, 2017

Momentum for both stocks and bonds has carried into the second quarter, until today, as the market at last appears to have succumbed to an endless stream of turmoil pouring out of Washington DC. Even with today's 300 point decline there is underlying strength in the US and global economy that has propelled stocks upward. The strength is not limited [...]

By |May 17th, 2017|Financial Commentary - Public|

Planning for end-of-life care

Do you prefer to die at home? Take the survey by clicking this link below. Most folks are uncomfortable talking about their demise, but as a financial planner, I encourage my clients to include planning for the end-of-life right along with planning for a happy life! I am able to help assure that your wishes for the manner of your [...]

By |April 28th, 2017|Financial Commentary - Public|

Quarter End Market Review March 31, 2017

Quarter End Market Review March 31, 2017 "March comes in like a lion," says the Old Farmers Almanac. As for the rest of the adage, something about exiting like a lamb, this year was an exception. Despite unprecedented drama coming out of Washington and with the new administration bungling its signature promise of repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act [...]

By |April 1st, 2017|Financial Commentary - Public|

How the House Republican’s replacement of the ACA compares

Now that Republicans have published their proposed changes to the Affordable Care Act (AKA "Obamacare"), we would like to share a summary of the changes in a format that seems pretty understandable. The cost of medical care is a key expense for most households and complete financial planning helps to integrate this expense in the projections and help you make [...]

By |March 8th, 2017|Financial Commentary - Public|


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