Encore of Financial Collapse?
"...it is remarkable to watch the same financial institutions that almost wrecked our nation’s economy work to heighten risks in the system." AGREE. Along with efforts to hand out cheap money to home buyers who cannot afford a home, the Federal government is moving us closer to an encore of the financial collapse of 2007-2009. I plan to chronicle this steady movement toward the next financial crisis with postings such as this. Although it may be many years distant, the next crisis is inevitable and leveraged banks and real estate will almost certainly be involved.
Kicking Dodd-Frank in the Teeth
NY Times | By Gretchen Morgenson Jan 19, 2015
The 114th Congress has been at work for less than a week, but a goal for many of its members is already evident: a further rollback of regulations put in place to keep markets and Main Street safe from reckless Wall Street practices. The attack began with a bill that narrowly failed in a fast-track vote on Wednesday in the House of Representatives. It is scheduled to come up again in the House this week. Read More
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